Your partner of choice to enable your business to flourish in South Africa.

HX Services

Advising, developing and implementing the HX system that ensures your enduring success though human experience.


Visionary, values led leadership acknowledges the human being at the centre of enduring organisational success. 


Realising the full benefits of offshoring to South Africa. Outsource evaluation to provide impartial advice on BPO partner selection.


Unique and innovative property solutions in South Africa that will enable your humans to flourish.


Introduction to a network of trusted supplier partners to support you in the transition and successful operating in South Africa.

Partner Network

Developing strategies that leave a legacy and contribute to all aspects of the ecosystem in which the business operates.

Business with Heart


South Africa represents the destination of choice to deliver the ultimate in human experience. The contact of the future will require a higher level of empathy, awareness and emotional elasticity than ever before. We have been at the forefront in witnessing the impact of digital interventions in the realm of customer experience, which is evolving into human experience.
To enable the human to flourish within your organisation, all aspects of it should be founded on the heart of human experience. Through our experience in leading BPO’s and captive operations in both the UK and South Africa over 30 years, we are best able to advise, develop and implement the HX system that ensures your enduring success.

Human engagement systems, design and implementation through multiple communication channels.

HX monitor, implementation of systems that measure the heart beat of the business.

Programmes that align all people to your organisation’s vision and values.

Recruitment systems that will surface the most suited talent for you.

Recruitment of key staff through our extensive network of available career seekers.

The HX system incorporates the following:

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At HX our leadership philosophy rests on the core tenets of vision, values and heart. Visionary, values led leadership acknowledges the human being at the centre of enduring organisational success. This integrated focus is an investment in moving from ego systems to eco systems where leaders deliver results through respect, empathy, complexity management and meaningful heart led engagement.
We see leadership as the integration of character and competence. This focus on who we are and what we do as leaders provides the foundation for living and leading from within, aligning actions and behaviours that credibly transform business through the heart of human experience resulting in ongoing behavioural alignment and functional agility.
Our experienced team of Facilitators and Coaches are your partners in co-creating leadership support solutions that embrace experiential learning, delivering impactful and inspiring Leadership engagement processes.

Executive/Leadership Coaching
Team and Group Coaching
Leadership and Management co-created programmes
Emotional, Social and Human Intelligence workshops

Our service range includes:

Leader as Coach training
Leadership Capacity Building

Leadership and Management co-created programmes

Executive/Leadership Coaching
Team Coaching

Emotional, Social and Human Intelligence workshops

Personality Typology Assessments

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The partner of choice for international businesses who desire to realise the extensive benefits of offshoring to South Africa. As digital interventions continue to shape the form of contact, South Africa is the destination for the ultimate human experience. 
Our founder led the first offshored customer service activity from the UK to South Africa in 2004 and has contributed to transitioning more than 30,000 offshored positions in the SA GBS sector. Multiple successful client transitions included Amazon, Bloomberg, Dixons Carphone, and Capita. Coupled with setting up and operating the fastest growing BPO in South Africa, we have facilitated large companies to achieve sustainable scalability from start-up to 5000 colleagues and beyond.

This has enabled us to advise and partner, on a fully impartial basis, the most suited offshore strategy for your intended offshore experience.

Transition strategy and implementation
Operations setup
Speed to competence

Our expertise covers all nuances of South African operations based on our multiple offshore successes:

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Transition strategy and implementation

Operations setup
Speed to competence


The most fundamental success factor for the human experience in South Africa is the facility in which it exists. As we have journeyed through operating many forms of operations over the past 14 years, we have developed unique and innovative property solutions that will ensure that your people will flourish. We are the forerunners of where we have chosen to locate our previous businesses, which enabled us to run the fastest growing and most successful BPO operation in South Africa.

Our HX System incorporates “working close to home” with “working from home”.

We are able to advise you on your property strategy in many aspects:

Location(s) throughout South Africa and within regions and metros.

Property design and fit-out.

Selection of property models (hosted versus full lease or a hybrid thereof).

Innovative DR and peak solutions.

Turnkey solutions.

The most fundamental success factor for the human experience in South Africa is the facility in which it exists. As we have journeyed through operating many forms of operations over the past 14 years, we have developed unique and innovative property solutions that will ensure that your people will flourish. We are the forerunners of where we have chosen to locate our previous businesses, which enabled us to run the fastest growing and most successful BPO operation in South Africa.

Our HX System incorporates “working close to home” with “working from home”.

Location(s) throughout South Africa and within regions and metros.

We are able to advise your property strategy in many aspects:

Property design and fit-out.

Innovative DR and peak solutions.

Turnkey solutions.

Selection of property models (hosted versus full lease or a hybrid thereof).

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Partner Network

Through partnering with us, we are able to make available to you a network of trusted supplier partners who are able to support you in the transition and successful operation of your business in South Africa.
This tried and tested network greatly contributes to the success in an offshored environment as we have personally worked with each supplier- partner over many years.

IT and connectivity
Design and fit-out
HR legislation

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BBBEE compliance
Grants and incentives

HX Services

Business With Heart

At HX we firmly believe in leaving a legacy and contributing to all aspects of the ecosystem in which a business operates. We have developed many heart led initiatives that have made deep impact.
We are leading the way in broadening the talent pool for the GBS sector through our partnership with impact sourcing initiatives.
This forms a pivotal aspect of community upliftment through providing hope to the youth of South Africa who would have never ordinarily had the chance to be meaningfully employed. 

Our HX system incorporates impact sourcing as a key element of the recruitment strategy.

At HX we firmly believe in leaving a legacy and contributing to all aspects of the ecosystem in which a business operates. We have developed many heart led initiatives that have made deep impact.
We are leading the way in broadening the talent pool for the GBS sector through our partnership with impact sourcing initiatives.
This forms a pivotal aspect of community uplift through providing hope to the youth of South Africa who would have never ordinarily had the chance to be meaningfully employed. 

Our HX system incorporates impact sourcing as a key element of the recruitment strategy.

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