Human Xperience links the experiences of all aspects of an organisation into a harmonious rhythm - connecting all humans within its being to realise its outcomes. It represents a shift in the way we are doing business to that of creating an eco-system in which all participants thrive and receive value. We are shifting from an ego-system to an eco-system - the human experience thriving in a balanced and flowing eco-system is forming the heart and the heart beat of how we do business.

Embodying the HX Approach

The HX Approach


Through openness and engagement, exploration between what is real and what is possible is uncovered as the foundation for moving between current and desired realities.


Working with organisational why’s, what’s and how’s, the vision and values of organisations are held as core to individual, team and business impact.


Through a co-creative & co-active approach we journey with you to reimagine business through lived values, customised support solutions, congruent leadership and multi-level perspective taking. 


Developing and embodying practices for evolving business resilience, with heart.





The world of customer experience is rapidly shifting towards the need for a more evolved human experience. The impact of increased digital transformation, is requiring an integration of the multiple intelligences, complexity management and communicating with empathy and presence.

Business transformation has raised the question of what the true measures of success and performance indicators are, and this is where Human Xperience partners and journeys with organisations to create eco-systems in which the human experience thrives. 

The future of CX is HX

What it means to be human is to pay attention to thoughts, hearts, behaviours, skills, motivations and decisions that work together to integrate the multiple intelligences inherent in who we call our human resources. But often what we are asking for is only hands, not heads, and not hearts, thus limiting and impacting expansiveness, capacity and scalability.

The challenge is thus to elevate our thinking and practice from EQ to HQ (the Human Quotient) to guide our proactive investment in the whole person.

Through this whole person approach to leadership, which is a focus on both character and competence, we are better able to connect, collaborate, access and develop potential to reach new heights in organisational success and human fulfilment.

Promoting the indispensable link between human doing and human being

A thriving Human Experience (HX) is what makes a positive Employee Experience (EX) and Customer Experience (CX), enabling your business to flourish.
The common denominator between employee experience and customer experience is the human experience. It is essential to engage in this positive experience if you are to create Customer Delight that delivers better results. This can only be achieved if the heart (human, empathy, awareness, radiance, and trust) of your organisation is apparent at every stage of the customer or client contact.
In order to maintain a connected workforce that goes above and beyond to do and be better, you need to invest and demonstrate an immense interest in the wellbeing of the entire ecosystem of your organisation. The result will be highly engaged colleagues who delight your customers and deliver a company that thrives as it grows.

A thriving Human Experience equals delighted employees and customers

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Ready to evolve?

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